
& Regulations
Event Rules

    1. Mandatory gear must be carried at all times. Please see the mandatory gear lists for your event. Mandatory gear must be in a working condition and suitable for use by the runner carrying it.
    2. You must complete the marked course on foot under your own power. Stick to the marked tracks, follow the course as signposted and as directed by the marshals.
    3. Your race number must be visible at all times on the outside of your clothing and preferably on the front of your body over your belly or chest.
    4. You must not fold, cut or change your race number in any way. It must be worn as is, unfolded.
    5. The wearing of iPods or other music players with headphones is strongly discouraged. This is both for safety and so you don’t hold up faster runners. However, if you choose to listen to music all runners must remove headphones during steep ascents, tight and technical sections. Officials have the right to DQ if you choose to ignore these rules
    6. If you withdraw from the event, you must sign the withdrawal form at the closest checkpoint (unless assisted from the course by First Aid crews).  This is an essential requirement to avoid unnecessary searches being conducted and emergency services being engaged.
    7. If you need First Aid help on the course notify fellow competitors and/or on-course marshals. Radio communications and medical staff are available at the Start/Finish, and all checkpoints. Emergency contact details will be given to all participants at race check-in.
    8. Runners are expected to assist competitors who have injured themselves. If you come across an injured runner, provide assistance and ask a fellow runner to inform race officials at the next intersection. Times will be adjusted to compensate for any losses.
    9. You must obey directions of checkpoint staff or course marshals and withdraw from the race if you miss any time cut-offs at checkpoints or on course.
    10. Littering is prohibited.
    11. You must not leave human faeces on the track. If the need arises, you must either use a toilet (or a wag bag), be out of sight, covering up what you leave behind using leave no trace principles. The event organisers strongly recommend utilising the toilet facilities at the Checkpoints.
    12. You must not take dogs or other animals with you in the event
    13. You must not smoke in the State Forest
    14. You must obey any information signs such as track closures, etc.
    15. Outside assistance is not permitted
    16. Pacers are permitted for the 100km event. Datails shorty
    17. The event organisers reserve the right to discourage and/or penalise behaviour that is considered unsporting.
    18. Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty, disqualification or pre-race withdrawal. Any such penalties are at the organisers’ discretion and are final.
    19. The below age restrictions apply to each event:
102km & 60km All participants must be over the age of 18 to enter these events
30km All participants must be over the age of 16 to enter this event.
12km         All participants 11+ are permitted to enter as an individual in the 12km event. Any participant between the age of 11-12 years must be accompanied by a legal guardian or parent. The parent or guardian will need to register and pay the entry fee, and must run with the child at all times.
Kids Challenge       Participants must be 12 or under. A legal guardian or parent may run for free with their child.


The event follows the principles of leave no trace